I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I can’t believe it’s 2024
already, I’m ready for spring and warmer weather. It’s that time again in February when our
post has the Lent fish fry. It starts February 16th and goes until March 29th. We can always
use more volunteers so the more we have the less work has to be done by just a few people.
The District 8 riders are going to have a cruise in for May and August, more information to
follow on this. It’s that time of year again for the Memorial Day Parade Meetings to start and
it’s on Monday the 15th and there is a time change which will be at 7:00 Pm.
- 6th January- Post Monthly Drawing 7:00.
- 10th January- House Committee Meeting 6:00.
- 15 January- Memorial Day Parada Meeting 7:00.
- 25th January- Post Monthly Meeting, Canteen Meeting at 6:00, Officer’s Meeting at 7:00.
- 17th January- Persian Gulf War Began, 1991.
- 27th January- Signing of Vietnam Peace Accord 1973.
- 31st January- Panama Campaign Ended 1990.
Bernie Gobrogge
Post Commander
Auxiliary Corner
Happy New Year everyone. I hope everyone had a good holiday.
We will still be collecting acme receipts until January 8th.
As a reminder yearly member dues were due by January 1st.
Our next meeting is Monday January 8th, 2024, at 6 pm. Our meetings are open to all
Auxiliary members. I hope to see you there.
John Stanfield
Axillary President