Newsletter October 2022


I want to thank everyone who helped us get our new parking lot it has been many years in the making I really appreciate everyone’s help and support. One of my biggest goals as commander was to get our parking lot done before our 100 Anniversary which is August 6th of 2023! I also want to thank everyone for helping our post get to 100 percent membership this year.  I also want to thank our dedicated volunteers who made our summer car shows a success. Please consider helping next year because we can use additional volunteers. Many hands make light work. Our euchre tournaments have stated again for the fall, first game started October 2nd and it’s every other week until May! 

Upcoming Events 

* October 14th our Auxiliary is having a fish fry from 5:00-7:30 

* October 15th Youngstown Bluecoats “Stuff the Bus” 2:00 to 4:00 (waiting confirmation).

* October 22nd Warriors Journey Home is having a picnic at our post from 2:00-6-00.

* November 8th our post is having a class on medical marijuana from 5:00-7:30. 

* November 11th Veterans Day.

* November 12th the Stow post is having the Military Ball. 

Historical Events 

* October 7th Afghanistan war began 2001.

* October 10th Columbus Day.

* October 13th US Navy established 1775. 

* October 23rd Grenada campaign begin 1983. 

* October 24th United nations day. 

* October 27th Navy Day. 

* October 31 Halloween.

Bernie Gobrogge


Auxiliary Corner

Hi All! Please bring the warm weather back, it’s a little chilly out there. 

At our last meeting we had 4 ladies join us from District 8. It went very well, and we were advised that as an auxiliary we are doing very well.  We are almost 100% on all our reporting we need for the year, but I don’t want to stop there.  We did get rewarded for having 100% last year in all our reporting. Great job everyone. 

Friday October 7th at 6:00 PM the POST is having a pre-meeting for the following week’s fish fry. If you plan on helping during the fish fry, please come to the meeting, we have a few things to go over and want to make the event a success.  Friday October 14th will be the fish fry from 5:00 pm-7:30 pm.

Thursday October 13th at 6:31 pm will be our fundraiser and we are hoping for a good turnout.  Bring a friend or two, the more the merrier.  25% of the proceeds will be donated back to the POST.  Lite refreshments will be served. If you have any questions, please let me know.  

I want to thank everyone who helped with our last car show of the year and braved the colder weather.  

Every other Sunday starting October 2nd through April we will be having a euchre tournament at the POST starting at 2pm.  Feel free to bring a snack to share.  The cost to play in the tournament is $5.00 per person. 

We are excited to announce that we do have our new parking lot. We are so grateful for all the donations and help we have had to make it possible for this to happen. We are truly blessed. 

Our next meeting will be held on Monday Oct 10th at 6:00 pm.  Please join us, we have so much to go over and I’m so excited for our Auxiliary. We have so many ideas, but we need your help.  Remember to thank a Veteran today.

Stephanie Gobrogge,
